220103 Kep1er Debut Show

The winning girls from Girls Planet 999 made their debut today. For the sake of Yujin, I hope this group does well. So far so good. Chaehyun caught my eye early on with her vocals in GP999 but man, her visuals are insane. Xiaoting is a treat, as always. Here's to a successful 2.5 years for these ladies. You can watch the full show and the performance clips below. Please note that the performance clips individually are much better quality (4K60) than the full show video.

Debut Show Full

Shine (Kep1er Ver.)



Shine 8K Full Cam

MVSK 4K Full Cam

WA DA DA 4K Full Cam

Yujin Shine Fancam

Mashiro Shine Fancam

Xiaoting Shine Fancam

Chaehyun Shine Fancam

Dayeon Shine Fancam

Hikaru Shine Fancam

Huening Bahiyyih Shine Fancam

Youngeun Shine Fancam

Yeseo Shine Fancam

Yujin MVSK Fancam

Mashiro MVSK Fancam

Xiaoting MVSK Fancam

Chaehyun MVSK Fancam

Dayeon MVSK Fancam

Hikaru MVSK Fancam

Huening Bahiyyih MVSK Fancam

Youngeun MVSK Fancam

Yeseo MVSK Fancam

Yujin WA DA DA Fancam

Mashiro WA DA DA Fancam

Xiaoting WA DA DA Fancam

Chaehyun WA DA DA Fancam

Dayeon WA DA DA Fancam

Hikaru WA DA DA Fancam

Huening Bahiyyih WA DA DA Fancam

Youngeun WA DA DA Fancam

Yeseo WA DA DA Fancam
