220819 SNSD - Forever 1 @ Music Bank

I never thought I'd ever be able to make a post about this group. They are probably the biggest reason I'm as into kpop as I am now after 10+ years. SNSD makes a comeback with their album Forever 1 and their title track by the same name. With the deluge of new groups in the past few years, I think it's easy to put SNSD to the back of your mind. With this comeback though, they prove once again why they are legends. The album is incredible and I hope that we get to see more of them in the future indivdually but also, especially as a group.

Forever 1

Forever 1 Fancam

Taeyeon Fancam

Sunny Fancam

Tiffany Fancam

Hyoyeon Fancam

Yuri Fancam

Sooyoung Fancam

Yoona Fancam

Seohyun Fancam

Taeyeon Face Cam

Sunny Face Cam

Tiffany Face Cam

Hyoyeon Face Cam

Yuri Face Cam

Sooyoung Face Cam

Yoona Face Cam

Seohyun Face Cam
